Prairie Press Student of the Week: Emily Milburn


What’s your name? Your grade? Where do you attend school?

Emily Milburn, Senior, Shiloh High School.


What is(are) your favorite subject(s)? What draws you to that subject?

Art, because it is one of my passions and I enjoy the projects.


What extracurricular activities are you involved in (clubs, sports, volunteer efforts)? Why?

Student Council, FFA, FCCLA, Spanish Club, FCA and CAMA. I like to be involved with my community.


What is your dream job?

Graphic Designer.


What is your favorite snack food?

Kit-Kats or Pringle’s originals chips.


Dream vacation spot?

Somewhere like Italy or Greece.


What is a piece of media (book, movie, TV show, video game) you think everyone should experience?

Uno, because if your friendship can survive after a game of Uno, then it’ll last a lifetime.


What is your favorite memory from this school year so far?

Being voted to be a co-president of my student council. It was good to know that my club thought I would be good at it, and believed in me.


Who is a teacher, staff member, or coach who has made a positive impact on you? How did they do it?

Ms. Boland, she has always pushed me to do my best and has been very supportive.


What is your advice to younger students?

Try to have fun, enjoy the memories you make.


What does your family look like? Do you have any siblings?

My mom (Kristina), my dad (Adam), and my little sister Maggie.


Do you have any pets? What is your favorite type of pet?

Two english bulldogs, Hazel and Mabel. They are probably my favorite.


If you can accomplish anything in your life, what would it be?

To be successful in my career.


What’s your favorite restaurant?



If you could go to lunch with anyone, from any part of history, who would it be and why?

Marilyn Monroe, because she did a lot in her lifetime and I would love to hear some advice from her.


What are your goals for 2024?

To travel some where I haven’t been yet.


What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world? Why?

People being too afraid to try anything new. If people never try anything they never get to grow as a person.


What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

Just keep swimming. -Dory; Finding Nemo

Student of the Week, Emily Milburn, Shiloh High School.