On Jan. 23 at 11:45 p.m., Tiffanie R. Smith, 44, of Indianapolis, Ind., was arrested for no valid registration, no valid driver's license, improper use of registration and operating an uninsured motor vehicle. Smith was issued a citation and released on her own custody.
On Jan. 23 at 11:54 p.m., Joshua M. Branson, 35, of Greenwood, Ind., was arrested for two out-of-state warrants. Branson was transported to the Edgar County Jail pending a court appearance.
On Jan. 24 at 6:15 p.m., John M. Klimaszewski, 39, of Charleston, Ill. was arrested at Walmart for burglary. Klimaszewski was transported to the Edgar County Jail where he will be held pending a court appearance.
On Jan. 24 at 7:14 p.m., Isabella M. Cassady, 19, of Paris was arrested at Walmart and charged with retail theft. Cassady was transported to the Edgar County Jail and was released on a notice to appear.
On Jan. 25 at 7:43 a.m., Ryan W. Wells, 40, of Paris was arrested for domestic battery and was taken to Edgar County Jail and held pending a court appearance.
On Jan. 25 at 8:17 p.m. Ethan L. Ingrum, 35, of Paris was arrested on an in-state warrant. Ingrum was transported to the Edgar County Jail where he will be held pending a court appearance.
On Jan. 26 at 7:52 a.m., Paul D. Hovis, 64, of Paris was arrested at 610 W. Jackson and was charged with disorderly conduct. Hovis was released on a notice to appear in court.
On Jan. 26 at 5:23 p.m., Richard J. Spencer, 50, of Paris was arrested at 15150 US 150 and was charged with retail theft. He was released on a notice to appear in court.
On Jan. 27 at 2:16 p.m., Brian L. Atkins, 52, of Paris was arrested at 419 Buena Vista and was charged with an in-state warrant (EDGAR). Atkins was transported to the Edgar County Jail where he was held with without bond.
On Jan. 27 at 8:43 p.m., Jacob M. Devers, 32, of Paris was arrested at Marshall Street and Phipps Lane and was charged with driving while license suspended. Devers was released on a notice to appear in court.
On Jan. 28, at 8:54 p.m., Brianne M. Bullard, 30, of Marshall was arrested at Union and Main and was charged with driving while driver's license suspended. Bullard was released on a notice to appear in court.
The public is reminded that all people arrested, or otherwise charged, are presumed innocent until proven guilty in court.