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In a world that grows increasingly interconnected, it is heartbreaking to see how often we are divided—how frequently we judge others based on their origins, beliefs or differences. Our planet … more
2005 was a pivotal moment in history—a year of cultural landmarks, technological advancements and unforgettable music. When reflecting on this remarkable year, it’s impossible not to be … more
As we continue to work our way through the advent season and to the day Christians celebrate as the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I want to share two of the most beautiful Christmas … more
October 6-12, 2024 has been slated as National Newspaper Week by Newspaper Association Managers. The event is a seven-day promotion of the newspaper industry in the United States and Canada. … more
A long, long time ago, many marvelous things were invented. Over 120 years ago, the Wright brothers flew the first airplane. Now look at what man has done since then. We can get on a plane and, … more
Six years ago, this month, I took on the most complicated, dangerous and overwhelming role in my life so far. Six years ago, I became a mom. No amount of book reading or researching can prepare … more
Sometimes everything you see is familiar, routine, almost boring. Then, there are times when you see something unusual, unique, almost startling. It makes you stop and say “Did I just see … more
Libraries were created as repositories for documents, but through vision and leadership, librarians have changed the world. There is a powerful sequence in the movie Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome … more
Many of us grew up in an environment where the people we saw and interacted with were never much different than us. Often, our friends and families look like us, sound like us, and even share the … more
September is one of the best months for night sky viewing and this year it is filled with opportunities. The approaching change from summer to fall means the angle of the Earth to sun and sky is … more
Like many of you, I have been watching the Olympics over the past couple of weeks. It has been fun to see the athletes compete and to watch people reach the pinnacle of their sport.  There … more
As we reach mid-August day length and solar angle are changing rapidly. These are signals to the monarch butterfly to shift into fall migratory mode. The next generation of eggs being laid now … more
When I was in high school and college, I played the drums in several bands. We played in churches, coffee shops and other venues. After playing, it was common for people to ask if I could teach them … more
This has been a stellar year for astronomy. It has been filled with events we only get to experience once in a lifetime, if at all. We’ve had a total eclipse, seen the northern lights from … more
By late summer, we all have long-legged grasshoppers in our yards fiddling the night away, eating, and making merry. In Tooele County, just west of Salt Lake City on I-80, the news is full of stories … more
The public’s trust in science pendulum swings from high to low. That level of confidence has been dropping steadily over the last 20 years and took a step dive after the 2020 Pandemic. … more
Being a pastor or Bible teacher in an agricultural area has great advantages.The Bible is full of agricultural stories and references. Preaching and teaching to people with knowledge of gardening and … more
This weekend Erno Rubik will become an octogenarian turning 80 years old. As a young man Rubik was fascinated by design. His room was full of blocks, springs, bands and connecting sticks. This … more
This holiday weekend, if you are spending time at the pool in a swimsuit, you can thank the Dutch East India Company of the 1600s. There is a direct connection between shipping, dealing with … more
In today’s fast-paced and demanding world, stress has become an almost inevitable part of life. Whether it is related to work, relationships or personal challenges, stress can take a toll on … more
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