What’s your name? Your grade? Where do you attend school?
Name: Brianna Barna
Grade: Senior (12th grade)
School: Chrisman High-School
What is(are) your favorite subject(s)? What draws you to that subject?
My favorite subject is science. I’ve always enjoyed science since I was a little girl. I think the anatomy of science and how multifaceted it is really is what draws me in. I love learning all the new things about science and how it’s always changing.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in (clubs, sports, volunteer efforts)? Why?
I am involved in…
Student Council
Stem Club
Volunteer Services
I am involved in a lot within the school because I simply just love being a part of things. I hope I can be a role model for younger students, as well as trying to make any difference I can within our school. I think it’s important to be a part of as much as you can while your in high school because it can prepare you for your future in so many different ways.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to become a Physician’s Assistant. I’ve always been interested in the medical field and to be some sort of doctor someday. I’m also fascinated with surgery and by being a PA I can get the best of both worlds without all the extensive schooling.
What is your favorite dessert?
I would have to say my favorite dessert is ice cream. A good second choice would have to be cookies and cake.
What’s a location you’d love to visit for a day?
I would love to visit Greece.
If you could live in any fictional universe, which would you pick? Why?
I think it would be cool to have food fall from the sky; aka cloudy with a chance of meatballs.
What was your favorite memory you made this summer?
I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and family. I went on a couple vacations as well with my school, my family and my volleyball team.
Who is a teacher, staff member, or coach who has made a positive impact on you? How did they do it?
I would say my English teacher Mrs. Mason and my science teachers Mrs. Lorton and Mr. Sushinski. I thrive in English and Science, and they have done nothing but support me with everything I do. They understand how much I enjoy that subject and have always made me flourish.
What is your advice to your younger self?
Stick to what you love and enjoy. Don’t let other people dictate your mood and how you live your life.
Do you have any pets? What is your favorite type of pet?
I have two pets: A dog- named Charlie, and a cat - named Gizmo. I would have to say golden retrievers (my dog) would have to be my favorite pet.
What’s an accomplishment you’ve made that you’re proud of?
An accomplishment I am proud of is probably coming back from my knee injury. I had a torn ACL in my left knee and had to have surgery. I was in extensive therapy for about 10 months and finally returned for volleyball during my sophomore year. It was one of the hardest things I’ve had to come to terms with since sports were my life. Getting through that and maintaining the mental and physical downsides of it is always something I will be proud of.
What’s your goal for this school year?
My goal for this year is to just have fun. I’m trying to soak up every last moment I have with these groups of kids because some of them I may never see again.
What’s your favorite restaurant?
My favorite restaurant is 36 Saloon in Rockville, Indiana.
If you could go to lunch with anyone, from any part of history, who would it be and why?
I would love to have a sit-down talk with Jesus. I know I can talk to him anytime of the day, but to be face-to-face with him would be pretty awesome.
What is something you’ve always wanted to try? Why?
I’ve always wanted to try soccer. I’m not 100 percent sure why but I’ve always thought it would be fun.
If you could send a message to the entire world, what would it be?
John 14:6 and Philippians 4:13