What’s your name? Your grade? Where do you attend school?
Sadie Sallee, 8th Grade, Crestwood School
What is(are) your favorite subject(s)? What draws you to that subject?
Science, it allows me to use my thinking and problem-solving skills and also shows me how my body works.
P.E., it allows me to show my athletic side.
What extracurricular activities are you involved in (clubs, sports, volunteer efforts)? Why?
Softball, I love softball, especially catching it puts me in my own little world.
Basketball, I enjoy basketball; posting up and getting needed points is always great.
Volleyball, I love playing volleyball; the adrenaline rush during the long rallies, hard hits, hard passes and the great environment my team has.
Track, I love track, more especially throwing shot put. It puts me in my own world and lets me get out some anger if needed. As a two-time state champion, I would love to win again this year.
Student Council, I was elected to join the student council in my 7th grade year and was elected as Sergeant of Arms in my 8th grade year. Student Council works all of the concessions at sporting events and hosts fun days and other activities.
Chorus/Drama, I love being in chorus/drama; it is so fun learning songs and dances for the upcoming plays. Crestwood School is putting on
The Little Mermaid Jr. this year on February 23rd and 24th at 7 p.m. at the Paris Fine Arts Center.
NJHS, I just recently this year was accepted into NJHS this year. NJHS stands for National Junior Honors Society. NJHS is a little different than your average school club. To even be offered into the club you have to have a good GPA. Then you have to turn in a form that shows your leadership, service, scholarship, citizenship and character. Based on that, you may be selected.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is a Sports Medicine Physician, more specifically a knee specialist. As someone who has had two knee surgeries, I am very interested in the topic and would like to help athletes who are struggling with the same things as I have.
What is your favorite snack food?
I don’t snack very often, but when I do, I love pretzel bites with cheese with a Dr. Pepper.
What is a piece of media (book, movie, TV show, video game) you think everyone should experience?
I believe everyone should watch She’s The Man because it shows that women can do anything men can if not better.
What is your favorite memory from this school year so far?
My favorite memory from this school year would be the cheer state pep rally. Some of the 7th and 8th-grade girls and boys basketball players put on uniforms and did a cheer routine for them to wish them good luck at state.
Who is a teacher, staff member, or coach who has made a positive impact on you? How did they do it?
My softball coach, Scott Dosch, has made a positive impact on me because he always has a positive attitude, and the desire to win, and pushes me to be my best.
What is your advice to younger students?
Keep your grades up, participate in class/extra-curricular activities, and always be kind to others.
What does your family look like? Do you have any siblings?
My mom is Tiffany Sallee, my dad is Shawn Sallee, and I have twin sisters, Lexie and Lanie. My grandparents Brenda and Marty Jones are also big supporters of mine.
Do you have any pets? What is your favorite type of pet?
Yes, I do have many pets. At my mom’s house, I have a cat; his name is Mr. Tone. At my dad’s I have two dogs named Thor (pit bull) and Nikko (husky) as well as a cat named Nevil. I would also count my grandparent’s dog named Milo (shichon).
If you can accomplish anything in your life, what would it be?
If I could accomplish anything in my life it would first be winning my third state title in the shot put. My long-term goal would be to play D1 softball.
If you could go to lunch with anyone, from any part of history, who would it be and why?
If I could go to lunch with anyone I would go with Dain Dainja. Dain Dainja is my favorite Illini basketball player; he is super fun to watch.
What are your goals for 2024?
The first goal of 2024 would be to win my third shot put state title. My second goal is to get all A’s all year. My third goal is to be comfortable and confident in high school.
What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world? Why?
I believe the biggest problem facing the world right now is social media. Everyone is getting attached by every notification and then scrolling for hours and hours. “If you don’t buy it, you are the product”- the Social Dilemma. Every swipe and click you make gives that company more money to upgrade and make it more addictive.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Alwys be kind to others because you never know what they are going through until it’s you going through it.