Publisher’s note: This is an evolving story. The Prairie Press will provide additional updates as they become available. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.
PARIS – Tyler Poole, a man accused of killing Paris resident Charles “CK” Nay in July 2023 has been found fit to stand trial.
Poole was first arrested on July 21, 2023, and charged with first-degree murder in connection with Nay’s death. Following the arrest, a fitness examination was ordered for Poole on Aug. 7, 2023. After several delays, documents determining Poole was unfit to stand trial were filed with the court in November of 2023.
On Jan. 17, 2025, Poole appeared at the Edgar County Courthouse with a report from the Department of Human Services indicating he has been “returned to fitness” and may now stand trial for the murder charge, as well as a Class A misdemeanor public indecency and a Class B misdemeanor criminal trespassing to land.
Following the presentation of the report in court, the defendant’s attorney, Nathanael Harsy, made an oral motion for Poole to be released from custody. The motion was denied by Judge Sullivan, who cited a “lack of change in circumstances.”
Poole will return to court for a preliminary hearing at 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 13.