"Zip Code Day" a success for Chrisman


CHRISMAN —Zip Code Day went off without a flaw Wednesday, June 19, and was such a success that locals want to duplicate it several more times for the summer.

Kids activities ran from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and other activities were scheduled for 1:30-7 p.m.

“It was wonderful,” said organizer Carla Haga, with the Chrisman Area Community Club. “It doesn’t have to be like that every day, but I wish there were more days in town that were like that.

“It all went really well, there weren’t any complaints, it was just a really nice day,” she said.

That was the consensus among people who came in, she said, and there was a crowd for bingo and plenty of food sold at 6 p.m. for the dinner.

Event popularity was pretty even, Haga said, and while the Shop Hop wasn’t huge, “we definitely had a lot of people through for (it).”

The Massey Chrisman Farm Center donated money so all participants, about 30 total, for the Peddle Hop, received a medallion for participation and one for first place.

Plans are in place to create an outline and budget numbers for the event, so it can be duplicated.

“The community is hoping someone else steps up and does it next time,” she said. “Maybe the fire department.”

The term Zip Code Day is used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) to describe a calendar date that matches up perfectly with a specific local zip code. This rare event takes place only one time each century.

For Chrisman, June 19 matched up with 61924, giving everyone in town the opportunity to celebrate their small town.

Chrisman, Zip Code Day, Celebration