253 results total, viewing 141 - 160
Most of us see the world as a Euclidean space. It has three directions, all meeting at right angles, and every location can be assigned a fixed coordinate. Each shape has an orientation going … more
When it comes to our overall well-being, mental health and resilience are essential components. Life can be unpredictable, and we all face challenges and difficulties at various points in our … more
When I was a kid growing up my mom sometimes said in reference to someone or something, or at times even herself if not feeling well, “They’re as slow as pond water.” Normally, … more
Like most youngsters in my high school and college years, I developed friendships with other boys and girls in my age range. A common activity all across the USA in those days was to cruise the … more
Big things happened in 1873. Hume was founded in Edgar County, and the United States Government put the world’s most powerful telescope at the time into operation at the Naval Observatory. Both … more
There have been nippers nipping and chainsaws buzzing around here after the windstorm the other day. I even got the tractor with the scoop on it out of the barn when I finally got enough help, … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the July 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The July 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past is 99 years instead of a century ago. TO MEET AT … more
In today's fast-paced and demanding world, stress has become an almost inevitable part of life. Whether it is related to work, relationships or personal challenges, stress can take a toll on our … more
No, I’m not talking about learning to dance. I’m talking tomatoes. Are you up to your elbows in tomatoes? Are they lining up on your kitchen counter like an army of red soldiers? Are … more
Earl Aubray’s friends describe him as a happy-go-lucky old codger.  He’s on the upper side of 80 but enjoys good health. For a while we noticed him slowing down and losing … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the July 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The July 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past will be 99 years instead of a century ago. NEW … more
About 75 years ago the Unit Four kids got the pleasure of riding the bus to school. That was the plan worked out for the first year of consolidation. Instead of having three trustees per 51 … more
July 17 is the new moon, or dark of the moon, for July. There will be no moon in the night sky because it will be on the same side as the sun. The two cross together with the moon just slightly below … more
We are starting to hear that dreaded word, “drought,” mentioned a little too often. I hope between my writing this column and its printing, the dry conditions will no longer be the … more
First, I am really glad that I am writing this on the Fourth of July. On the way to town today, we met the Impromptu Fourth of July Parade featuring a lot of old tractors, convertibles, old cars … more
Here is a compilation of stories appearing in the July 1924 issues of the Paris Beacon-News. The July 1923 volume is misplaced so Out of the Past will be 99 years instead of a century ago. PARIS … more
Stress is a natural part of life, but when it becomes overwhelming and starts to impact your daily life, it's important to seek help. Mental health issues can also arise and affect anyone at any … more
Hi, I am Kelly Nicholson – the Membership Director at the Rec Center. For those who know me, the Rec probably is not the most natural place they would expect to find me working. In fact, … more
One of the consequences of living in a warmer climate is the increasing population of hematophagous or blood feeding insects. They are impacted by changing climate just like the Derecho storm fronts … more
After the recent severe thunderstorms, a frequent question was, “Is your power on yet?” Answers varied, but the most frequent response was, “No, not yet,” or perhaps, … more
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