Prairie Press Student of the Week: Kaylee Ruff


What’s your name? Your grade? Where do you attend school?

Kaylee Ruff; Senior; Shiloh High School


What is(are) your favorite subject(s)? What draws you to that subject?

FCS classes and English. I love cooking and I also love writing.


What extracurricular activities are you involved in (clubs, sports, volunteer efforts)? Why?

FCCLA State Officer; Golf; CAMA; Spanish club; and Community Service. FCCLA shows me how I can be a leader within my school which has led me to be involved with everything else on this list.


What is your dream job?

Early childhood education teacher.


What is your favorite snack food?

 Cottage cheese.


Dream vacation spot?



What is a piece of media (book, movie, TV show, video game) you think everyone should experience?

Book – Any Colleen Hoover book. TV show – Friends or Grey’s Anatomy. Movie – Interstellar.  


What is your favorite memory from this school year so far?

Winterfest week.


Who is a teacher, staff member, or coach who has made a positive impact on you? How did they do it?

Ms. Hendrix, She is my FCS teacher and my FCCLA advisor. I’ve spent a lot of time with her over the past wo years. She has always been there for me whenever I needed her, she also helped me achieve my FCCLA goals.


What is your advice to younger students?

Don’t let others distract you from getting work done.


What does your family look like? Do you have any siblings?

I live with my mom, dad and my little brother Gavin.


Do you have any pets? What is your favorite type of pet?

We have two dogs; Navi and Millie and a cat named Taylor. Dogs are my favorite type of pet.


If you can accomplish anything in your life, what would it be?

To teach kindergarten.

Student of the Week, Shiloh High School, Kaylee Ruff